Please retain these PDF documents and bring to your Individual Development Plan (IDP) discussion.
CPD points
CDP templates
CPD activities
Professional development
Programs will be posted for other locations as they become available.
These Birth International workshops are for all midwives looking to enhance their knowledge and skills:
- Active Birth (2 Day) | 13 CPD Points
- Introduction to Active Birth (1 Day) | 6.5 CPD Points
- Effective Facilitation | 13 CPD Points
- Healing Birth Trauma | 6.5 CPD Points
- The Slice of Life – The Caesarean Birth Issue | 3.25 CPD Points
- Vaginal Birth after Caesarean – Exploring the Possibilities | 3.25 CPD Points
- Supporting OP Labour |3.25 CPD Points
- Postdates Pregnancy | 3.25 CPD Points
For further information relating to learning packages and midwifery education within CHHHS, contact:
Amanda Allan
Midwifery Educator | Women's Health Unit | Nursing and Midwifery Education & Research Unit | Cairns & Hinterland Hospital and Health Service
Email | Tel. 07 4226 6470
The Midwifery Post provides a forum for education, sharing the latest research, anecdotes and updates from the midwifery workforce within the Cairns & Hinterland Hospital and Health Service (CHHHS).
Do you have an anecdote or a topic of interest that you would like to share with your midwifery colleagues? If so, forward to to be included in the next edition.
The Midwifery Education Group - CHHHS
Cairns Hospital LKC can help to locate resources for your professional development. We can also assist with database / literature searching for Cairns & Hinterland and Torres & Cape HHS staff. Contact us for further assistance.