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CHHHS Midwifery learning packages: First Nations Emerging Minds

Guide for Cairns & Hinterland Hospital & Health Service Midwifery learning packages and resources

First Nations Emerging Minds

Emerging Minds Learning

Free online courses & resources to support your practice. Courses feature practical demonstrations to help you put your learning into practice. Emerging Minds Learning remembers where you left off, saving your progress for next time. All Emerging Minds resources, including courses, are free.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing pathway includes courses for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous practitioners who work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families, and communities. It has been developed with the support and guidance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, to specifically support non-Indigenous practitioners in mainstream organisations to engage with First Nations families.

Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children: A framework for understanding (1hour 30 mins)
This course will assist non-Indigenous practitioners to develop the skills and understanding needed to build genuine partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities. It will also help to understand how this will benefit and enrich you personally and professionally.

Using Aboriginal cultural knowledge systems to strengthen families’ resilience (1hour)
This course provides a framework to help guide you in your work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, using the ‘Aboriginal Cultural Knowledge Systems to Strengthen Families’ Resilience’ yarning cards and tools.

Improving the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (4hours)
This course will use a positive, strengths-based, ‘hope-inspired’ focus to support your work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families, reinforcing their connections, strengths, and skills.

Healing through voice, culture, and Country (1hour)
This foundation course provides a framework for practitioners working in health, education, and social and community services, whose work includes engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. The course aims to help practitioners to work with parents where family and domestic violence (FDV) is a concern, supporting children’s social and emotional wellbeing in culturally responsive ways.

Healing the Past by Nurturing the Future: Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families (5hours)
This course reflects the strengths, resilience, and perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It will develop your understandings of the historical and contextual factors that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; the impacts of intergenerational trauma; and the key principles for fostering safety in perinatal care. It will also outline essential pre-requisites and practical skills for talking with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents about complex trauma in the perinatal setting.

Honouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices in healing family violence (1hour 30mins)
The course will help you to think about the whole family – their hopes, aspirations, strengths and stories of connections to family, kinship, Country and culture – as well as family histories of problems, challenges and trauma.

Replanting the Birthing Trees: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and children in the first 2,000 days (5hours)
This course focuses on the critical first 2000 days of a child’s life and honours the wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander parenting practices that have endured over 60,000 years. It invites practitioners to be curious, notice this ancient knowledge and consider how it can be applied in contemporary practices.

Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants during the first 2,000 days (24 mins)

Discuss the cultural considerations that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in the early years and consider the barriers and opportunities for non-Indigenous practitioners in providing support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families.


For further information relating to learning packages and midwifery education within CHHHS, contact:

Rita Ball

Midwifery Educator | Women's Health Unit | Nursing and Midwifery Education & Research Unit | Cairns & Hinterland Hospital and Health Service

Email | Tel. 07 4226 6470

P: +61 7 4226 6679 | E:
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