Please retain these PDF documents and bring to your Individual Development Plan (IDP) discussion.
The QHIP (Queensland Health Immunisation Program) Immunisation Courses have been developed by immunisation experts from QHIP and the Cunningham Centre to increase training and education of immunisation service providers to improve service delivery.
The free, self-paced and interactive courses are easy to use and will help immunisation service providers maintain and enhance their skills in providing immunisation services and to stay abreast with changing vaccination programs and requirements. The courses are designed for general education purposes and do not lead to authorisation as an Immunisation Program Nurse (IPN).
For further information relating to learning packages and midwifery education within CHHHS, contact:
Amanda Allan
Midwifery Educator | Women's Health Unit | Nursing and Midwifery Education & Research Unit | Cairns & Hinterland Hospital and Health Service
Email | Tel. 07 4226 6470