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CHHHS Midwifery learning packages: Newborn Bloodspot Screening

Guide for Cairns & Hinterland Hospital & Health Service Midwifery learning packages and resources

Professional development plans

Newborn Bloodspot Screening

This online course developed by the Clinical Skills Development Service is designed to provide learners with an overview of the newborn bloodspot screening (heel prick test) collection process in Queensland.

This course is recommended as prerequisite learning prior to performing the clinical assessment.

Topics covered include:
  • what is newborn bloodspot screening and why it is important
  • what conditions are detected from the NBS test
  • indications and contraindications of bloodspot screening
  • roles and responsibility 
  • how to perform a heel prick test and collect a quality sample
  • how to submit samples for testing


For further information relating to learning packages and midwifery education within CHHHS, contact:

Rita Ball

Midwifery Educator | Women's Health Unit | Nursing and Midwifery Education & Research Unit | Cairns & Hinterland Hospital and Health Service

Email | Tel. 07 4226 6470

P: +61 7 4226 6679 | E:
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