To contribute to patient centred care we:
Manager, Library and Knowledge Services - Tony Courtenay
Librarian - Katrina Streich
Library Technician - Thomas Ang
Library Officer - Ginny McGinty
Establishment & facilities
1990 - Cairns Base Hospital Library established with Federal Government "Library Enhancement Grant" to serve far north Queensland health services, including Torres & Cape
2003 - Service Agreement with James Cook University signed for CBH Library to provide services to JCU medical & health students on clinical placement
2012 - Cairns Base Hospital renamed Cairns Hospital; Library renamed the "Library & Knowledge Centre"
Library Management System (LMS)
1990 - Alarm-Oasis LMS implemented
2002 - Dewey Decimal Classification system adopted (formerly NLM)
2004 - Voyager LMS implemented (shared system for all Queensland Health Libraries)
2014 - Koha LMS implemented by LKC team
Service developments
2012; 2015; 2018 - LKC QHEPS intranet redesigned
2013 - LKC Wifi access installed
2014 - LKC website published, using LibGuides; over 30 specialty (subject) guides published
2016 - The Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS) & Open Athens implemented (cancelled Oct 2019)
2016 - 2021 - Manager LKC nominated to Chair Prevocational Medical Education Committee
2018 - 2019 Manager LKC became a member of the Patient Care Steering Committee
2019; 2022 - Major redesigns of LKC website & specialty guides
The 2021 LKC survey did not return a statistically valid result (that is, there were not enough responses). However, there were some useful responses in the free text areas that LKC staff have collated and responded to in the report below. The LKC will plan another client survey in the near future, so as to obtain some usable data.
Survey results inform LKC business planning cycles. We conduct surveys at regular intervals to measure performance and identify areas for service improvement. Surveys are one of many mechanisms used for continuous improvement. See our annual report for further information. Comprehensive surveys of LKC client groups were conducted in 2013 and 2016.
Key projects are outlined in our 3 year plan - the LKC Roadmap 2020-2022. Currently we are working on:
Improving our support for the CHHHS Research Strategy by providing more specialised support
Identifying library service delivery opportunities within the Cairns University Hospital framework
Strengthening LKC support for consumer health literacy and engagement initiatives, building on the success of our Far North Wellbeing collaboration with public libraries
Contact us for further information.
National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards 2nd edition
The LKC contributes to the implementation of the NSQHS standards within CHHHS through:
FNQ Library & Information Services group offers an opportunity to network and undertake professional development with library colleagues located across the far north Queensland region. LKC staff participate in this networking group.
Supporting Documents
See PDF below listing details for photos.